Tag legal

Trial by Media

Sensational journalism is the truth of the media industry; for TRP, the media channels exhibit subtleties of the case, which addresses the standing and picture of the accused. The media will in general uncover an excessive number of sensitive details of a case in order to keep the audience entertained. At times these commentaries are trivial and hinder the process of a fair trial in numerous ways.

Is Sedition Law Curbing Free Speech?

Various governments have often interpreted and misinterpreted the sedition law and the views of citizens are used against them. Is this how a democratic country governs its citizens? The increase in violence and protests is not because the people are exercising their fundamental right to freedom of speech and expression unreasonably, instead, it’s because of the lack of public platforms provided by the government for its citizens to voice their opinions. In this article, the author has expressed his views regarding the constitutionality of the sedition law and has questioned whether mere criticism of the government amounts to sedition.

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