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Social media – New platform for giving verdicts without trials

INTRODUCTION Social media platforms are interactive computer-mediated technologies that facilitate the creation or sharing of information, ideas, career interests and other forms of expression via virtual communities and networks. An administrative establishment that has been adversely hit by social media… Continue Reading →

Separate Sports Law in India: Need of the hour

Introduction Sports has become a multi-billion dollar money-making industry that has extended to every part of the world. It involves a considerable number of human resources associated with it, hence, it is bound to have clashes, conflict of interests, disputes,… Continue Reading →

Ecofeminism: A relevant movement in climate change discourse?

Climate change will not affect all individuals equally. Various factors will determine its impact on every one of us. Climate change may be seen as a gender-neutral issue, but it isn’t and neither are its solutions. Many cultural ideas, laws… Continue Reading →


“When the people fear the Government, there is tyranny, when the Government fears the people, there is liberty.”                                             … Continue Reading →



It has become the general trend of reporting sensational cases every day in the media to attract viewers/perusers and to get wide publicity. Sensational journalism is the truth of the media industry; for TRP, the media channels exhibit subtleties of the case, which addresses the standing and picture of the accused. The media will in general uncover an excessive number of sensitive details of a case in order to keep the audience entertained. At times these commentaries are trivial and hinder the process of a fair trial in numerous ways. The article examines how media depicts certain news to get publicity and what impact media have over its citizens.

SEBI (Investment Advisers) (Amendment) Regulations, 2020: – Comprehensive Review and its implications


Registered Investment Advisors (RIA) who are registered with the Security Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has reported several problems like charges, their role, services, and the exorbitant fees which they charge from their investors. The Investment Regulation has been laid down to make a framework for investment advisors. Taking a step for numerous complaints filed against investment advisors, it has been addressed with the amendment made in July 2020. These amendments are necessary for the smooth and regulatory functioning of the entity. The main focus of this amendment has aimed for the interest of investors. Investors are the ones who are investing their money hence they must be given enough security on whatever they invest. The key regulatory changes on fee clause, net-worth clause, segregation of activities, and the agreement must be made between both the client and the investment advisor. The author in this article has given an overview of the amendment and the reason behind these changes and the positive and negative impacts of the same.

The Dilemma of Scrapping or Amending Section 124A of IPC


Freedom of speech and expression is the personification of a democratic form of government. Over the years, Section 124A of the Indian Penal Code that deals with sedition has been debatable and dubious in the arena of freedom of speech and expression. The article not only provides entangled or contradicted views of Judiciary and Government, but also deals with the fact of misuse and misinterpretation of the cryptic law due to its archaic nature including the historical and present time torture against the accused. Moreover, it conveys an urgent need to follow the International guidelines with an ultimate aim to protect and strengthen democracy.  

Deep State- A Myth or Reality?

Conspiracies inside of government, or the appearance of conspiracy, can be found within the annals of most countries.                            – Ryan Gingeras, How the Deep State Came to… Continue Reading →

Is Sedition Law Curbing Free Speech?


The word “Sedition” means action or expression that results in rebellion against the authority of the state. This law was enacted by the colonial government to curb people’s views on government and its ruling. Since then the Law of Sedition is defined under Section 124A of the Indian Penal Code. But the implementation of this law is in contravention of our freedom of speech and expression. Various governments have misinterpreted this section, and the views of citizens are used against them. Is this how a democratic country governs its citizens? Increase in violence and protests is not because the people are exercising their fundamental right to freedom of speech and expression unreasonably, instead, it’s because of lack public platforms provided by the government for its citizens to voice their opinions. In this article, the author has expressed his views regarding the constitutionality of the sedition law and has questioned whether mere criticism of the government amounts to sedition.  

Contempt of Court – Time to Relook?

Freedom of Speech and Expression lies in the foundation of our democracy. Any tool, used to deny it to us, no matter how pious its intention is, either needs to be scraped or needs to be amended. One such law is Contempt of Courts Act, 1971. Freedom of speech & expression includes the right of every citizen to criticize the court, the judiciary and its administration. On the other hand, courts to maintain their independence, use the power of contempt to punish one who lowers the dignity of the court or interferes with administration of justice. This precisely is the conflict between Freedom of speech and expression and contempt of court. Both freedom of speech and power of contempt are essential for a democracy as both are for the benefit of the public. Freedom of speech and freedom of press secures judicial onus whereas power of contempt maintains dignity of court. It is in this background that we will be discussing the position in other countries juxtaposed with India so that proper conclusion may be derived in this regard. To understand the imbalance lets recognize the concept of Contempt of Court.

Refugee Laws and Crisis around the globe: What is at stake and what needs to be done?

The world is facing the highest refugee crises ever since World War II and the conditions have significantly worsened ever since. Millions of homeless people in search of food, shelter, and jobs are roaming in some other country and have a title of being ‘stateless”. These conditions raise questions on the governments of not just the origin countries but also on the host countries. A humanitarian approach is the only way in dealing with the refugee crises and every nation must keep this in mind while handling refugee crises.

Examining the efficacy of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985

Addicts are unable to regulate their behaviour. They will do anything to obtain drugs, alcohol, or other substances, including jeopardizing their friendships, families, or careers. Why does addiction cause people to act in such a harmful manner? And why is it so difficult to stop?

Right to Protest v. Public Inconvenience

We keep protesting for our rights, and they keep getting rid of us.

Abortion Laws in the United States Post Roe v. Wade

The recent overturning of a landmark judgement in the field of abortion rights in the U.S. has bemused countries across the globe with regard to the plight of Women’s rights in the U.S. The overturning of Roe v. Wade in June 2022 came as a shock to several women who were relying on the confidence instilled by the historic judgement. Abortion rights in the U.S. have rolled back to their starting point following this unprecedented decision of the Supreme Court of the United States (herein referred to as “SCOTUS”). For a country like the US, which boasts about its progressiveness and values, this is a severe blow to its proclaimed notions of individual freedom and privacy.

Need for Marital Rape Laws: An Ultimatum to Dignity

Introduction “I say nothing, not one word, from beginning to end, and neither does he. If it were lawful for a woman to hate her husband, I would hate him as a rapist”.   When we talk about rape, we talk… Continue Reading →

Social Media- Pedagogy of Juvenile Delinquency

Children are born pure. Their emotional, social and societal values are framed by the things that they perceive. Their upbringing and supervision, or lack of it are of prime importance, against the backdrop of susceptibility to criminal behaviour. It is… Continue Reading →

The Inevitable Crossover: Law and Psychology

As controversial as it sounds, a substantial amount of truth lies in it. Psychology and law are different yet relevant when applied together. The very existence of law and the relevance of the same, throughout history is only because it… Continue Reading →

Role of IP Laws in Fashion Industry; Design and Copyright

A Global View Evolution of IPR Human rights are universal principles or standards that safeguard the virtue of human life. They establish certain human norms which are consistently protected by behavioural norms in domestic and international legislations. The Universal Declaration… Continue Reading →

Worldwide Jurisprudence of Cryptocurrency and its Repercussions

INTRODUCTION The emergence of cryptocurrencies and revolutionary blockchain technology has drawn widespread attention across the globe. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the cryptocurrency market has shown an upward trend. Its mainstream adoption has seen a boost in 2020-21 with many countries… Continue Reading →

International Humanitarian Law: An  Ongoing crisis?

Ancient civilizations, empires like the Byzantine Empire’s Code of Justinian, to religious books bear testimony to the fact that humanitarian law and laws of war exist to contain the ravages and tyranny of war. Perhaps the need to systematize was felt only during the Second World War when ghastly crimes against humanity were executed. To reiterate military necessities and simultaneously balance the concerns of humanity, International Humanitarian Law (IHL) was brought into force.

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